Sunday, June 27, 2010

Underneath That Amarillo Sky

Today we began our adventure at the waffle house with a big southern breakfast of pecan waffles, bacon, fried eggs and, of course…. grits (which are soooo much better in Texas – softer, less chunky and more melt in your mouth…mmm ) Then it was off to the Big Texan Steak Restaurant and Motel where we saw their pool in the shape of Texas as well as their bull horned limos. We made sure to leave our mark on the giant boot outside the entrance. Sadly neither they nor anyone else in Amarillo seemed to have an “Everything’s Bigger in Texas” shirt that I promised to get wifey.

Next we were off to the Palo Duro Canyon National Park in Canyon, TX about 20 mins south of Amarillo. It was breathtaking. Never have I seem something so vast. It’s like the Earth just decided to open up in the middle of a plain. It was truly amazing. We hiked 1 ½ trails while we were there the Passe de Rio which was 2 miles roundtrip and one that went to the lighthouse that was 6 miles round trip (although we probably on did a mile or two of that one). The River trail had a lot of overgrowth and bugs (specifically flies). The trail to the lighthouse was slightly higher up and out on the open red rock in the direct sunlight. Renana and I both agreed that we loved the dry heat in comparison to the humidity of the East but once we got in the sun it was sweltering. (It was, after all, 115 degrees out.) We were sure we got sunburned. The echo in the canyon was phenomenal and after we reached the end of the first path we loudly sang the national anthem to test it out (and also because we felt oddly very very American from all of the stereotypical America imagery around us). We ended our park time by dipping our tired toes in an area of the creek that had flooded across the road and preventing us from passing.

Finally we made our way to the infamous Cadillac Ranch where several Cadillacs appear as though they’ve taken a nose dive into the earth. When we arrived there was a school group leaving who had brought their own supply of spray paint. We made sure to snatch a can and leave our marking before leaving town.  After about 4 1/2 hours we found ourselves in Albuquerque, New Mexico where we are staying with some of Renana's family friends.  Leora and Malcolm are two of the loveliest and most intelligent people I've ever met.  I'm so grateful that they've welcomed us into their lovely home.  Now time for some of that lovely shut-eye. :)

Tomorrow it’s off to Flagstaff, Arizona (as long as the wildfires out there don’t interfere with our travel plans *keep your fingers crossed*). Lookout for the historic R66 Wigwam Village as well as the Acoma Pueblo city.

Song of the Day: Amarillo Sky -- Jason Aldean
Quote of the Day: “One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.”Henry Miller

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